Meet Arco, Phrozen's First Debut on FDM 3D Printer

Phrozen が FDM 3D プリンターで初デビューした Arco をご紹介します

Phrozen の FDM 印刷への最初の取り組みである Phrozen Arco をご紹介します。

最新の 3D プリンティング ニュースをチェックしている方は、Phrozen が史上初の FDM プリンターを 2024 年の第 1 四半期に Kickstarter として発売する予定であることを聞いたことがあるかもしれません。昨年 Formnext に初登場して以来、3D プリンティング コミュニティで話題を呼び、新しいイノベーションやテクノロジーに興奮する人々の興味と好奇心をそそりました。

では、Phrozen のこの新しい FDM プリンターについて知っておくべきことは何ですか?また、なぜそれが 2024 年の FDM プリンターなのか?


アルコという名前は、イタリア語で虹を意味するアルコバレーノからインスピレーションを得ています。 FDM 3D 印刷のゲームを変えるマシンとして位置付けられているこのプリンターは、AMS システムを通じて最大 16 色印刷を提供し、創造的な精神に新たなレベルの自由を提供します。同時に、最終的な名前である Arco は弓とも訳され、熟練した射手の手に渡されたよく作られた弓の速度と精度で 3D プリントを推進する機能を体現しています。

見逃せない Arco の機能

Phrozen が提供する新しい Arco FDM プリンタは、市場を賑わす単なる通常のプリンタではないことが期待できます。樹脂プリンターのラインナップと同様に、Arco には、同クラスの FDM 3D プリンターに期待されるすべてのプレミアム機能に加えて、まだ市場に投入されたばかりの機能とイノベーションが装備されています。


FDM 3D プリンティングは、樹脂 3D プリンティングと比較して、より実用的な用途に使用されることがよくあります。たとえば、樹脂 3D プリントはディスプレイや卓上ゲーム用のミニチュアやフィギュアに最もよく使用されますが、FDM プリントはより機能的な日常ツールの作成によく利用されます。

このため、私たちが日常的に使用する印刷物の多くは典型的なミニチュアよりも大きいことが多いため、印刷量の増加が FDM 印刷にとって大きな変革となることを理解しています。 Arco の 300*300*300 mm 3 という広大な印刷量により、より大きなモデルの印刷や部品の同時印刷がさらに便利になりました。

Phrozen Arco の印刷量が拡大


モノクロ印刷より優れているものは何でしょうか?確かに多色刷りですね。 Chroma Kit AMS システムを自社開発の FDM スライシング ソフトウェアである Arco に接続することにより、PIXUP Slicer により、さまざまな異なるカラー パーツを含むモデルを印刷する機能が提供されます。


デュアル 18 mm ギアとトルク比 9.5 の HGX 押出機によって強化された Arco は、最大 30,000 mm/s 2の加速を容易に達成できます。さらに、印刷速度は平均 600 mm/s という驚異的な速度で、従来の FDM 3D プリンタより最大 12 倍高速です。



他の FDM プリンタでは TPU フィラメントの印刷が失敗する傾向がありますが、Arco の特許取得済みの超近接冷却システム設計により、ギアと熱源の間の距離が大幅に短縮されます。 TPU のような柔軟な材料を含む、さまざまな材料にわたって一貫した均一な押出パフォーマンスを保証します。


スーパーカーが速度を最適化するように設計された方法からインスピレーションを得た Arco の構造設計は、重量をプリンターの底部に移し、安定性を高める低重力ベースを作成します。構造をさらに強化するために、4 つの厚みのあるアルミニウム スタンドと組み合わせることにより、非常に安定した Core-XY 構造と最小限のぐらつきを保証し、最高品質の印刷を実現します。


Arco がさらに提供できるものや、これが 2024 年の FDM プリンターである理由について興味がある場合は、必ずArco メーリング リストに登録してください。 Arco に関するすべての最新アップデートを誰よりも早く知り、Arco の発売時に超早期割引を入手し、 購読するだけで Phrozen Arco Facebook グループへの特別招待を受け取りましょう!

Phrozen Arco マルチカラー FDM 3D プリンター


45 コメント



Hello we are a registered business in europe. we are interested in your arco FDM printer. Kickstarter is not so great to handle taxes for business orders. how to place an early bird order for the Arco printer with a proper VAT tax handling for EU business ?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Xavier, Thank you for commenting.

The only way to place the order as an early bird is to pledge the project of Phrozen Arco on Kickstarter, which as you may know by now, the campaign has already ended. Phrozen Arco will be available for pre order soon, and we will announce the printer on our Facebook fan page as well as other social media. Then you shall be able to make the purchase by that time.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team by filling in the form on this page:

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team


Hello we are a registered business in europe. we are interested in your arco FDM printer. Kickstarter is not so great to handle taxes for business orders. how to place an early bird order for the Arco printer with a proper VAT tax handling for EU business ?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Xavier, Thank you for commenting.

The only way to place the order as an early bird is to pledge the project of Phrozen Arco on Kickstarter, which as you may know by now, the campaign has already ended. Phrozen Arco will be available for pre order soon, and we will announce the printer on our Facebook fan page as well as other social media. Then you shall be able to make the purchase by that time.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team by filling in the form on this page:

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team




question about the slicer, I give it for granted but I have not seen anything about supports or the like, considering the prints (especially that helmet) I presume you’ll have a good auto-support system, can I count on that?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Synn, Thank you for commenting.

PIXUP slicer is currently under development, and will receive continuous update in the future, including the auto support function and many other ideas arise from community members like you! Phrozen Arco will also support other slicing software for its Klipper firmware. We sincerely appreciate your support and we will keep all the updates of this product in our Phrozen Arco Launch Group which you can check it out here:

Best, Phrozen Team


question about the slicer, I give it for granted but I have not seen anything about supports or the like, considering the prints (especially that helmet) I presume you’ll have a good auto-support system, can I count on that?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Synn, Thank you for commenting.

PIXUP slicer is currently under development, and will receive continuous update in the future, including the auto support function and many other ideas arise from community members like you! Phrozen Arco will also support other slicing software for its Klipper firmware. We sincerely appreciate your support and we will keep all the updates of this product in our Phrozen Arco Launch Group which you can check it out here:

Best, Phrozen Team




Hello, can the prize be sent to Poland after making a payment on the Kickstarter? Will the printer have an actively heated chamber?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Alesky, Thank you for commenting.

The Phrozen Arco FDM 3D Printer can be shipped to following countries: United States (Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or U.S. Virgin Islands are not included), Canada, Germany, France, Italy, United Kindom, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Netherland, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Latvia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Estonia, Finland and Sweden.

All the functionality, accessories and specs will subject to the information we’ve released on the Kickstarter. Please check the campaign and FAQ page of the Kickstarter page of this product.

Best, Phrozen Team


Hello, can the prize be sent to Poland after making a payment on the Kickstarter? Will the printer have an actively heated chamber?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Alesky, Thank you for commenting.

The Phrozen Arco FDM 3D Printer can be shipped to following countries: United States (Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or U.S. Virgin Islands are not included), Canada, Germany, France, Italy, United Kindom, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Netherland, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Latvia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Estonia, Finland and Sweden.

All the functionality, accessories and specs will subject to the information we’ve released on the Kickstarter. Please check the campaign and FAQ page of the Kickstarter page of this product.

Best, Phrozen Team


Graham Williams

Graham Williams

I pulled the trigger and supported this project on kickstart, now I wait as this will be my first 3D printer can’t wait, any recommendations on that to read and what specific program to look at to become familiar with what software I’ll be using.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Graham, Thank you for commenting.

We are glad to know and truly appreciate your support on our products. Please join our Arco Facebook group to get the latest update on the product, and we have our agents answering various kind of questions which there might be an answer to what you’re looking for.

URL to the Arco Facebook group:

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team


I pulled the trigger and supported this project on kickstart, now I wait as this will be my first 3D printer can’t wait, any recommendations on that to read and what specific program to look at to become familiar with what software I’ll be using.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Graham, Thank you for commenting.

We are glad to know and truly appreciate your support on our products. Please join our Arco Facebook group to get the latest update on the product, and we have our agents answering various kind of questions which there might be an answer to what you’re looking for.

URL to the Arco Facebook group:

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team


Anson Liu

Anson Liu

Will multicolor printing have chroma system color changes triggerable through Gcode? Asking so that we can change the color in third party slicers like Cura and PrusaSlicer if we include the right gcode.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Anson, Thank you for commenting.

Arco is compatible with other slicers for single-color printing, we’re going to open up G-Code info to third-party slicer providers! PrusaSlicer, Orca and more are on our list of slicer companies to contact in the future.

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team


Will multicolor printing have chroma system color changes triggerable through Gcode? Asking so that we can change the color in third party slicers like Cura and PrusaSlicer if we include the right gcode.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Anson, Thank you for commenting.

Arco is compatible with other slicers for single-color printing, we’re going to open up G-Code info to third-party slicer providers! PrusaSlicer, Orca and more are on our list of slicer companies to contact in the future.

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team




does the Arco have a carbon-filter air exhaust?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello James, Thank you for commenting.

Arco will be equipped with an external recirculation system that features a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter, a ventilator fan, as well as a vent to attach your duct hose (not sold with Arco). There will also be a fan attached to the extruder which helps to cool the model during printing.

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team


does the Arco have a carbon-filter air exhaust?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello James, Thank you for commenting.

Arco will be equipped with an external recirculation system that features a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter, a ventilator fan, as well as a vent to attach your duct hose (not sold with Arco). There will also be a fan attached to the extruder which helps to cool the model during printing.

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team




Need any beta testers? I got on the kickstarter but would love to be a beta tester for you.

Need any beta testers? I got on the kickstarter but would love to be a beta tester for you.



What are the max temperature specs? Build plate and hot end max temps? How much is the enclosure and color kit?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jason, Thank you for commenting.

The maximum nozzle temperature of Arco is 300 Celsius degrees, while the heated bed can reach temperatures of approximately 120 Celsius degrees. We are soon launching Phrozen Arco on Kickstarter, please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group for the latest information on prices, and reserve your VIP price through deposit reservation. Here’s the link to the Phrozen Arco Facebook group:

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team


What are the max temperature specs? Build plate and hot end max temps? How much is the enclosure and color kit?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jason, Thank you for commenting.

The maximum nozzle temperature of Arco is 300 Celsius degrees, while the heated bed can reach temperatures of approximately 120 Celsius degrees. We are soon launching Phrozen Arco on Kickstarter, please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group for the latest information on prices, and reserve your VIP price through deposit reservation. Here’s the link to the Phrozen Arco Facebook group:

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team




How can I preorder the Arco?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jo-Shua, Thank you for commenting.

Phrozen Arco pre-order will be available on Kickstarter within 5 hours from now. Please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group for the latest news and discussion, and reserve your VIP price through the deposit reservation. All information’s in the Facebook group, and here’s the link:

Best, Phrozen Team


How can I preorder the Arco?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jo-Shua, Thank you for commenting.

Phrozen Arco pre-order will be available on Kickstarter within 5 hours from now. Please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group for the latest news and discussion, and reserve your VIP price through the deposit reservation. All information’s in the Facebook group, and here’s the link:

Best, Phrozen Team




Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello 東山, Thank you for commenting.

Phrozen Arco will be selling through our authorized resellers in Japan, please follow our Facebook fanapge and other social media accounts for the latest updates. Thank you!

Best, Phrozen Team


Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello 東山, Thank you for commenting.

Phrozen Arco will be selling through our authorized resellers in Japan, please follow our Facebook fanapge and other social media accounts for the latest updates. Thank you!

Best, Phrozen Team


Jedidiah Hansen

Jedidiah Hansen

Well the speed and design is interesting. But what I want to know. More than anything is XY accuracy? 0.05mm or 0.1mm or something else? Nozzle size and type? 0.4mm or something else. Temperature range of nozzle and bed? 300°C nozzle or higher? 340-350°C is what I want! What filaments can it print? Ideally I’d love to see if it prints PC (polycarbonate)
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jedidiah, Thank you for commenting.

Arco boasts an impressive printing speed of 600 mm/s with a substantial acceleration of 30,000 mm/s², and it runs a 0.4 mm all-metal nozzle, which is included in the package. The maximum nozzle temperature of Arco is 300 Celsius degrees, while the heated bed can reach temperatures of approximately 120 Celsius degrees.

It also supports a wide range of thermoplastic materials, catering to flexible materials (TPU/TPE, etc.) and hard materials (PLA/ABS/PETG, etc.).

Please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group where we have announce all the latest information at. The link to the group:

Best, Phrozen Team


Well the speed and design is interesting. But what I want to know. More than anything is XY accuracy? 0.05mm or 0.1mm or something else? Nozzle size and type? 0.4mm or something else. Temperature range of nozzle and bed? 300°C nozzle or higher? 340-350°C is what I want! What filaments can it print? Ideally I’d love to see if it prints PC (polycarbonate)
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jedidiah, Thank you for commenting.

Arco boasts an impressive printing speed of 600 mm/s with a substantial acceleration of 30,000 mm/s², and it runs a 0.4 mm all-metal nozzle, which is included in the package. The maximum nozzle temperature of Arco is 300 Celsius degrees, while the heated bed can reach temperatures of approximately 120 Celsius degrees.

It also supports a wide range of thermoplastic materials, catering to flexible materials (TPU/TPE, etc.) and hard materials (PLA/ABS/PETG, etc.).

Please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group where we have announce all the latest information at. The link to the group:

Best, Phrozen Team


Tim Zurawski

Tim Zurawski

Need beta testers? How about youtube video coverage? ARCO FDM

Need beta testers? How about youtube video coverage? ARCO FDM

Doug Mays

Doug Mays

Can’t wait to learn more about the Arco. I’ve been contemplating pulling the trigger on Bambu Labs X1 with the AMS system but think I’ll hold off and see how the Arco compares.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Doug, Thank you for commenting.

Please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group to get the latest information regarding this product. The link to the group is:

Best, Phrozen Team


Can’t wait to learn more about the Arco. I’ve been contemplating pulling the trigger on Bambu Labs X1 with the AMS system but think I’ll hold off and see how the Arco compares.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Doug, Thank you for commenting.

Please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group to get the latest information regarding this product. The link to the group is:

Best, Phrozen Team




Hi I’m interested in your FDM machine, I would like to be able to test the printer and give feed back I’m currently running a Creality Ender 3 max Neo so i have experience. I also post on social media and would like to give a honest opinion about your new machine specially as you are competing directly with Bambu with this machine I’m currently looking at buying a Bambu so this could benefit for both of us I Would also like to know your Picing for the machine although I will wait till this machine has been tested i would like to see what price before I make the purchase of the Bambu Kind regards Anthony

Hi I’m interested in your FDM machine, I would like to be able to test the printer and give feed back I’m currently running a Creality Ender 3 max Neo so i have experience. I also post on social media and would like to give a honest opinion about your new machine specially as you are competing directly with Bambu with this machine I’m currently looking at buying a Bambu so this could benefit for both of us I Would also like to know your Picing for the machine although I will wait till this machine has been tested i would like to see what price before I make the purchase of the Bambu Kind regards Anthony

Wayne Erman

Wayne Erman

Looking forward to fdm.

Looking forward to fdm.



Waiting for updates on your new FDM 3D printer
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Ken, Thank you for commenting.

Please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group for all the latest updates regarding this product. The link to the group:

Best, Phrozen Team


Waiting for updates on your new FDM 3D printer
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Ken, Thank you for commenting.

Please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group for all the latest updates regarding this product. The link to the group:

Best, Phrozen Team


Roy Wells III

Roy Wells III

Paid /reserved spot in Kickstarter, please let me know when it goes live so I can get multiple units. Thankyou and can’t wait. Roy
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Roy, Thank you for commenting.

Phrozen Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd. Please mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer.

Best, Phrozen Team


Paid /reserved spot in Kickstarter, please let me know when it goes live so I can get multiple units. Thankyou and can’t wait. Roy
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Roy, Thank you for commenting.

Phrozen Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd. Please mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer.

Best, Phrozen Team


Nick Walker

Nick Walker

info on release date and when to buy?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Nick, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


info on release date and when to buy?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Nick, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team




I would really like to test the Phrozen Arco 😊 If you are looking for a tester, then I would be willing 😁

I would really like to test the Phrozen Arco 😊 If you are looking for a tester, then I would be willing 😁

Joseph lackey

Joseph lackey

I need information on how to purchase this merchandise
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Joseph, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


I need information on how to purchase this merchandise
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Joseph, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


Michael Stover

Michael Stover

interested in the new Phrozen Arco, should be a great machine

interested in the new Phrozen Arco, should be a great machine

Jack dean

Jack dean

When it will be available to buy
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jack, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


When it will be available to buy
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jack, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


Kyle Goodwin

Kyle Goodwin

looking forward to what this 3d printer can do.

looking forward to what this 3d printer can do.



J’ai hâte

J’ai hâte

Steve Goebel

Steve Goebel

Updates for Arco
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Steve, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


Updates for Arco
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Steve, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


Terrance Blosser

Terrance Blosser

I would like to participate in the kick starter offer. I am may be moving in the next 6 months so I am not sure what address to use for shipping address.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Terrance, Thank you for commenting.

That will be fine, you can always contact our customer support for changing the address if you needed. You can submit a request to our customer support team by filling in the form on this page:

Best, Phrozen Team


I would like to participate in the kick starter offer. I am may be moving in the next 6 months so I am not sure what address to use for shipping address.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Terrance, Thank you for commenting.

That will be fine, you can always contact our customer support for changing the address if you needed. You can submit a request to our customer support team by filling in the form on this page:

Best, Phrozen Team




Interested in more info/preorder
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Stephanie, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


Interested in more info/preorder
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Stephanie, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


Tony Cherry

Tony Cherry

Hello Phrozen team, I have put the down the early deposit on the new Phrozen Arco but I would like to know if the printer will work with the ChromaSet from Co Print which was also on Kickstarter. I have already backed that project so I am hoping that it will be compatible with your new 3D printer.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Tony, Thank you for commenting.

ChromaSet from Co Print runs individually and replace a printer’s software control in some degree, thus we have no control over their software and hardware, also the printer compatibility of their product. Please contact Co Print for further information on the compatibility of ChromaSet and other products related. Thank you!

Best, Phrozen Team


Hello Phrozen team, I have put the down the early deposit on the new Phrozen Arco but I would like to know if the printer will work with the ChromaSet from Co Print which was also on Kickstarter. I have already backed that project so I am hoping that it will be compatible with your new 3D printer.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Tony, Thank you for commenting.

ChromaSet from Co Print runs individually and replace a printer’s software control in some degree, thus we have no control over their software and hardware, also the printer compatibility of their product. Please contact Co Print for further information on the compatibility of ChromaSet and other products related. Thank you!

Best, Phrozen Team


Todd Moore

Todd Moore

cannot wait for this printer to be available. I am certainly interested in purchasing one. the Arco FDM printer

cannot wait for this printer to be available. I am certainly interested in purchasing one. the Arco FDM printer

Keiran Ryan

Keiran Ryan

When will it be available and at what price point?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Keiran, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


When will it be available and at what price point?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Keiran, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


Jason Bordeleau

Jason Bordeleau

Hello I am wondering if you would like your Arco printer reviewed on my Youtube channel? If so please let me know asap. Thanks

Hello I am wondering if you would like your Arco printer reviewed on my Youtube channel? If so please let me know asap. Thanks

Timothy A. Parker

Timothy A. Parker

How much for Arco with ams Canadian Thanks
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Timothy, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


How much for Arco with ams Canadian Thanks
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Timothy, Thank you for commenting.

Arco launch on 11:00 AM EST on February 22nd on Kickstarter, and customers who reserve their printer through deposit reservation will get a VIP price. All these latest information will be announced on our Phrozen Arco Facebook group, which this link will take you there:

Mark your calendars and take advantage of this incredible offer!

Best, Phrozen Team


Torsten Ruf

Torsten Ruf

Dear Phrozen Team, considering my interest in the Phrozen Arco, I am planning to purchase a new 3D printer shortly. My favorite was a similar type of printer, till I saw your review. However, before making a decision, I would like to ask about the expected release date and estimated delivery times for the Phrozen Arco. Could you provide insight into when the Phrozen Arco is expected to be available for purchase and an approximate timeline for delivery? It is crucial for me to have this information as I am not in a position to wait for several months for a new printer. Additionally, I wish to avoid the scenario of purchasing another device only to find out shortly afterward that the Arco is on the market. I appreciate your prompt response and am available for any further information you may require. Best regards, Torsten
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Torsten, Thank you for commenting.

Mass production will begin in May 2024, and the products will be shipped to local warehouses in July 2024. According to Kickstarter’s rules, all the backers’ shipping information will only be collected through a survey after the end of the project. After the campaign ends, we will collect all backers’ information and deliver our product from the local warehouses. Please note that you will receive the tracking number after your package is shipped out from the local warehouses. The exact delivery time will vary depending on your delivery address and couriers.

In addition, please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group where we have the latest information updated. You can join the group through this link:

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team


Dear Phrozen Team, considering my interest in the Phrozen Arco, I am planning to purchase a new 3D printer shortly. My favorite was a similar type of printer, till I saw your review. However, before making a decision, I would like to ask about the expected release date and estimated delivery times for the Phrozen Arco. Could you provide insight into when the Phrozen Arco is expected to be available for purchase and an approximate timeline for delivery? It is crucial for me to have this information as I am not in a position to wait for several months for a new printer. Additionally, I wish to avoid the scenario of purchasing another device only to find out shortly afterward that the Arco is on the market. I appreciate your prompt response and am available for any further information you may require. Best regards, Torsten
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Torsten, Thank you for commenting.

Mass production will begin in May 2024, and the products will be shipped to local warehouses in July 2024. According to Kickstarter’s rules, all the backers’ shipping information will only be collected through a survey after the end of the project. After the campaign ends, we will collect all backers’ information and deliver our product from the local warehouses. Please note that you will receive the tracking number after your package is shipped out from the local warehouses. The exact delivery time will vary depending on your delivery address and couriers.

In addition, please join our Phrozen Arco Facebook group where we have the latest information updated. You can join the group through this link:

Hope this helps.

Best, Phrozen Team




In the blog, it’s about the Chroma Kit AMS system. Does this mean that we’ll need a 3rd party device to print in multiple colors?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Peter, Thank you for commenting.

Phrozen Arco supports the Phrozen Chroma Kit AMS System natively. Aside from the Chroma Kit itself and the filaments you’d like to use, you don’t need other 3rd party devices in order to make it work.

Best, Phrozen Team


In the blog, it’s about the Chroma Kit AMS system. Does this mean that we’ll need a 3rd party device to print in multiple colors?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Peter, Thank you for commenting.

Phrozen Arco supports the Phrozen Chroma Kit AMS System natively. Aside from the Chroma Kit itself and the filaments you’d like to use, you don’t need other 3rd party devices in order to make it work.

Best, Phrozen Team




stampante 3D FDM arco ( ce’ la lingua italiano )

stampante 3D FDM arco ( ce’ la lingua italiano )







mi candido come beta tester

mi candido come beta tester

Joel Gonzales

Joel Gonzales

3D printer

3D printer



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I’m looking forward to this.

I’m looking forward to this.



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phrozen arco info

phrozen arco info











Quiero estar informado de la salida de la impresora.

Quiero estar informado de la salida de la impresora.


