隨著3D列印在過去十年中不斷普及,有些人現在正在積極尋找一種更環保的選擇來滿足自己的愛好。雖然 FDM 3D 列印被認為比樹脂列印更環保,但一些公司宣傳 可水洗的樹脂,因為它更環保。但事實真的是如此嗎?
不,水洗樹脂並不是更環保的 3D 列印解決方案。
儘管有這樣的說法, 可水洗的樹脂仍然是敏化劑。其液體形式接觸皮膚時可能會引起輕微過敏反應,處理不當會對環境產生毒性。
顧名思義, 水洗樹脂是一種溶於水的3D列印樹脂。傳統 3D 列印樹脂需要異丙醇 (IPA) 或 Phrozen Wash 等清潔溶液,而可水洗的樹脂只需使用自來水即可。
儘管它並不比傳統樹脂更環保,但對許多人來說, 水洗樹脂可以簡化後處理設置,並且是節省成本的選擇,因為他們不需要購買其他清潔解決方案。
如果您有興趣了解更多關於為您的 3D 列印專案選擇合適樹脂的信息,您必須查看我們的詳細部落格: 如何選擇合適的 3D 列印樹脂:您需要的唯一指南
- 易於清潔:水洗樹脂最顯著的好處之一當然是更容易清潔,而且只需用水即可。
- 節省成本:節省異丙醇或其他清潔溶液的成本。
- 氣味較小:與傳統樹脂相比,水洗樹脂的氣味較小。
- 水溶性:儘管它很專業,因為它很容易清潔,但在清潔時您需要小心,不要意外洗掉列印模型的細節。
- 更脆:儘管觀點各異,但有些人聲稱用可水洗樹脂列印的模型往往比傳統樹脂稍微更脆。因此,根據您的需求,它可能不是您想要的。
這種 可水洗的樹脂適用於各種 3D 列印用途,包括微型列印、雕像和模型零件。它可能無法提供像 Aqua 8K 樹脂那樣的最高分辨率,也無法提供功能性樹脂的獨特優勢。儘管如此,它絕對是一款多功能產品,可滿足您大部分的 3D 列印需求。
Phrozen 為我們的 水洗樹脂系列提供兩種顏色:模型灰色和快速黑色。兩者均採用美麗的顏色配製,可展示列印模型的細節,並且只需用水即可輕鬆清潔。您可以在我們的部落格中找到使用可水洗樹脂列印內容的靈感。
後固化是 3D 列印的重要步驟,在使用可水洗樹脂進行列印時也是如此。為避免出現裂紋,請記住在將模型放入固化站之前徹底乾燥。您可以使用壓縮空氣槍或將其放在一邊風乾。
Water-Wwashable Tough 非常適合需要能夠承受更大壓力(包括搬運和後處理)且不易破裂的耐用模型的人。它具有一定的柔韌性,可確保您的列印件更加耐用,尤其是在從列印平台板上移除時。
Water Washable Tough 可確保模型耐用,減少後處理麻煩。
與標準的水洗樹脂一樣,Water-Washable Tough 用途廣泛,可用於各種 3D 列印應用,包括微型模型、雕像和模型零件。然而,這種樹脂的韌性提高,使其特別適合需要額外耐用性和操控強度的模型。
無論您是要創建詳細模型還是功能部件,Water-Wwashable Tough 都能確保您的列印件能夠經受嚴酷的後處理和日常使用。
可水洗 Tough 所需的酒精含量減少 90%。
要清潔模型,請將其放入裝有水或 95% 乙醇的清洗站中約 45-60 秒。這將有助於去除表面上任何未固化的樹脂。請小心,不要將模型留在溶劑中超過 60 秒,因為長時間暴露可能會影響表面細節。為了獲得最佳效果,建議在水清洗後用乙醇進行最終沖洗。
清洗後,乾燥並固化您的 Water Washable Tough 3D 模型。
確保徹底清潔所有零件,尤其是模型內部的任何空心區域。清潔後,讓模型在陰涼、通風良好的空間中乾燥至少 30 分鐘,或使用壓縮空氣槍加快乾燥速度。
最後一步是固化。對於水洗 Tough 樹脂,使用 Phrozen 固化燈(例如Wash & Cure Kit或Cure Mega S )可確保最佳效果。將模型固化約 30 分鐘,以達到充分的強度和耐用性。完全固化後,您的模型即可投入使用,並顯示出增強的韌性和靈活性。
對使用 可水洗樹脂進行印刷有興趣?確保您注意以下幾件事:
既然您已經了解了 水洗樹脂的正確知識,您就可以成為負責任的 3D 列印愛好者,而不必擔心自己的健康和環境受到威脅。對 水洗樹脂還有疑問嗎?問走吧!
Will there be more colors, besides Black, in the Rapid line? I have tremendously more success printing with Rapid Black than Model Gray, but find the black difficult to see the details of the print.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jane, Thank you for commenting.
We are planning to having updated version of the Speed Resin in the future, which will be aiming for easier printing experience and higher performance in terms of qualities in detail. Please follow our social media (Facebook Fanpage & Instagram) and join the Phrozen 3D Printer Group on Facebook, we will announce the latest update on the new and upcoming products there.
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team
Will there be more colors, besides Black, in the Rapid line? I have tremendously more success printing with Rapid Black than Model Gray, but find the black difficult to see the details of the print.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Jane, Thank you for commenting.
We are planning to having updated version of the Speed Resin in the future, which will be aiming for easier printing experience and higher performance in terms of qualities in detail. Please follow our social media (Facebook Fanpage & Instagram) and join the Phrozen 3D Printer Group on Facebook, we will announce the latest update on the new and upcoming products there.
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team
Hi, can I print a container that will hold water? Or will the water dissolve the cured container ?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Kevin, Thank you for commenting.
Cured resin will not dissolve in the water, but resin is vulnerable to the moisture which will make it degrade faster than keep it in a dry, cool condition. Also the resin products we have as of the time we’ are replying to this comment, doesn’t have biocompatible certification. If you are considering making aquarium accessories, you should use the material with biocompatibilities, and follow the instruction of the of storage condition and their using scenario.
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team
Hi, can I print a container that will hold water? Or will the water dissolve the cured container ?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Kevin, Thank you for commenting.
Cured resin will not dissolve in the water, but resin is vulnerable to the moisture which will make it degrade faster than keep it in a dry, cool condition. Also the resin products we have as of the time we’ are replying to this comment, doesn’t have biocompatible certification. If you are considering making aquarium accessories, you should use the material with biocompatibilities, and follow the instruction of the of storage condition and their using scenario.
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team
I recently purchased a bottle of water washable Model Gray resin, and I have been looking for the ‘User manual’ .pdf file for this resin but I cannot find it. ¿Could you indicate me where I can find it?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Viridiana, Thank you for commenting.
As we’ve recently updated the Water-washable resin, the manual/user guide of this specific product is still preparing. Please visit its product page later, where we have a ‘User Guide’ button which will leads you to the page listed out all the manuals we have for our products.
Product page for Water-washable Resin: https://phrozen3d.com/products/water-washable-resin
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team
I recently purchased a bottle of water washable Model Gray resin, and I have been looking for the ‘User manual’ .pdf file for this resin but I cannot find it. ¿Could you indicate me where I can find it?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Viridiana, Thank you for commenting.
As we’ve recently updated the Water-washable resin, the manual/user guide of this specific product is still preparing. Please visit its product page later, where we have a ‘User Guide’ button which will leads you to the page listed out all the manuals we have for our products.
Product page for Water-washable Resin: https://phrozen3d.com/products/water-washable-resin
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team
How many ml of resin is in one bottle of water washable resin?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Lionel, Thank you for commenting.
We measure our resin products in grams, which the Water-Washable Resin comes in 1 kilogram packaging.
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team
How many ml of resin is in one bottle of water washable resin?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Lionel, Thank you for commenting.
We measure our resin products in grams, which the Water-Washable Resin comes in 1 kilogram packaging.
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team
Hi I wanted to ask I ingested some a couple of mins ago is that bad?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Ella, Thank you for commenting.
The photopolymer resin should not be an edible material. If you accidentally swallowed some of it, please consult with your family doctor for medical suggestions.
Wish you good health, Phrozen Team
Hi I wanted to ask I ingested some a couple of mins ago is that bad?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Ella, Thank you for commenting.
The photopolymer resin should not be an edible material. If you accidentally swallowed some of it, please consult with your family doctor for medical suggestions.
Wish you good health, Phrozen Team