更換新的12K LED驅動器後,終於到了升級新的12K主機板和液晶面板的時候了。在這一步中,我們將經歷:
在本文中,我們將指導您將 Sonic Mighty 8K 的主機板和 LCD 面板變更為 12K。
請注意,Mighty 12K 升級套件的序號是D100 。
移除舊的 8K 零件
步驟 2:移除 USB 分離器上的熱熔膠。如果發現膠水很難去除,也可以用酒精軟化。如果熱膠仍然難以去除,請重複此步驟幾次。
步驟 6:撕下醋酸布膠帶,鬆開扣,然後取下 LCD 帶狀電纜。
步驟 2:撕下LCD 邊框膠帶。
步驟 3:從機器上拆下液晶顯示器。
步驟 2:插入小的白色端子塊。
步驟 4:鬆開 12K 升級套件中提供的 3 個綠色接線端子上的所有螺絲。將電纜連接至 3 個綠色接線端子。紅色電纜應位於左側,黑色電纜應位於右側。
步驟 5:插入 2 號綠色接線端子,然後插入 1 號和 4 號。成功安裝所有綠色端子後,現在可以撕掉我們用來標記電纜的標籤貼紙。
步驟 6:將 USB 分線器和網路線連接回主機板。
步驟 1:在將 LCD 帶狀電纜連接到 LCD 螢幕之前,請確保有襯裡的表面位於 LCD 帶狀電纜的背面。鬆開液晶螢幕上的卡扣,插入液晶螢幕帶狀電纜,正面刻有「LCD」字樣。然後用醋酸布膠帶將其固定。
步驟2: 撕下標有綠色標籤貼紙的螢幕保護貼。
步驟 3:將 LCD 帶狀電纜穿過凹槽。
第四步:鬆開主機板上的液晶螢幕卡扣,插入液晶螢幕排線並固定。然後將醋酸布膠帶黏回其上。連接 LCD 帶狀電纜後,請記住將剩餘的電纜推回到主機板中,以整理剩餘的電纜。
您的 Mighty 8K 現已升級至 12K,您可以在安裝12K 升級套件後開始執行完整的硬體測試,以檢查您的 Sonic Mighty 8K 是否運作良好。
Charles F Lamb III
I finally spent the day doing the upgrade to my Sonic mighty 8K to 12 K.
Unfortunately, nothing happens.
I left the front cover slightly open, and when I power it up I can see three yellow lights on the main board.
I checked and rechecked all the steps I went through and can’t figure what went wrong.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Charles, Thank you for commenting.
The lights on the motherboard lit up after powering it up, which should mean that you’ve connected your motherboard to the power correctly and the motherboard is working fine. If you see nothing showing up on the touchscreen after powering it up, please check if the connection of the touchscreen and to the motherboard has been done correctly. Some common issue is that people will place the connector of the flat flexible cable upside down, which the connector has pins on only one side so that it won’t transfer any single if doing so.
Please refer to this article on how to replace the touchscreen on the Mighty 8K/12K: https://helpcenter.phrozen3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/6453770031257—Sonic-Mighty-8K-Replacing-the-LCD
If you need further assistance, please contact our customer support team where we have expertise ready to assist you diagnose the problem. You can submit our customer support team a request by filling in the form on this page: https://helpcenter.phrozen3d.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team
I finally spent the day doing the upgrade to my Sonic mighty 8K to 12 K.
Unfortunately, nothing happens.
I left the front cover slightly open, and when I power it up I can see three yellow lights on the main board.
I checked and rechecked all the steps I went through and can’t figure what went wrong.
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hello Charles, Thank you for commenting.
The lights on the motherboard lit up after powering it up, which should mean that you’ve connected your motherboard to the power correctly and the motherboard is working fine. If you see nothing showing up on the touchscreen after powering it up, please check if the connection of the touchscreen and to the motherboard has been done correctly. Some common issue is that people will place the connector of the flat flexible cable upside down, which the connector has pins on only one side so that it won’t transfer any single if doing so.
Please refer to this article on how to replace the touchscreen on the Mighty 8K/12K: https://helpcenter.phrozen3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/6453770031257—Sonic-Mighty-8K-Replacing-the-LCD
If you need further assistance, please contact our customer support team where we have expertise ready to assist you diagnose the problem. You can submit our customer support team a request by filling in the form on this page: https://helpcenter.phrozen3d.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Hope this helps.
Best, Phrozen Team