3D 打印是一種徹底改變學習方式的技術。它不僅改變了學生的遊戲,也改變了教師的遊戲。讓我們看看 3D 打印如何優化學習:
由於 3D 打印涉及通過設計和觀察來創建對象,因此學生需要在整個過程中充分參與。這讓學生在學習過程中更加活躍,讓他們吸收更多的信息,而不是被動地聽老師講課。
借助 3D 打印,學生可以設計自己的結構,3D 打印單獨的部件,將其組裝在一起,將其拆除,然後再重新組裝起來。使用這種方法,學生可以更好地理解手頭的主題。學生可以運用批判性思維和創造力來設計 3D 模型,從而動腦筋。
使用 3D 打印模型讓學習更輕鬆
3D 打印有很多優勢,可以增強教育過程並加速課堂學習。學生可以使用 3D 模型更快地解決數學問題,因為在視覺上,形狀比圖片更容易理解。值得注意的是,如果題目比較複雜,你覺得很難處理,即使是3D模型,你也可以使用EduBirdie數學幫助服務為你解決數學問題。
學生可以通過 3D 打印探索他們的創造力。學生可以跳出框框思考,創建具有精確細節的複雜 3D 模型。這也有助於學生培養解決問題的能力。
創建 3D 模型時,您可能需要找出正確的角度來創建完美的 3D 模型。通過 3D 打印,學生可以練習他們的創造力來創建他們需要的設計。這樣,學生可以藉助 3D 打印輕鬆地將他們的想法變為現實。
3D 打印可以成為課堂任何課程的完美補充。生物學等學科可以將這項技術應用到他們的課程中。在生物學中,3D 打印可以幫助學生研究從大腦到心臟,再到骨骼的人體解剖結構。 3D 打印對於生物學專業的學生和教師也很方便。
3D 打印也很容易融入數學,以便學生可以練習涉及測量的概念。這些只是 3D 打印融入課堂的幾種方式。
當涉及兒童時,許多學習活動的日益數字化遇到了衝突。有些人認為互聯網不是非成年人學習不同概念的理想場所。然而,學生絕對可以通過數字化參與 3D 學習來學習建設性和有益的想法。
學生還可以學習技術,例如攝影測量、後處理和CAD 設計,這些都是 3D 設計的重要方面。理解這些將幫助他們快速適應快節奏的技術工作環境。這些是工作場所所需的技能,尤其是在當前技術進步的情況下。如果他們在年輕時就掌握這些技能,那將是有益的。
隨著世界不斷發展,學習各種技能至關重要。 3D 打印需要大量的專業知識。學生需要知道如何操作計算機、筆記本電腦和切片機軟件,以便他們可以使用樹脂 3D 打印機進行打印。
他們還需要知道如何操作打印機本身以及3D打印整個過程中涉及的應用程序。他們還可能學習如何在 3D 打印機不工作時解決技術問題。
在這個數字時代,3D 打印有利於學習環境。它不僅讓學生受益,也讓教師受益,因為他們可以在更加親力親為的環境中進行教學。隨著 3D 打印技術變得越來越便宜,學校應該開始在課堂上實施它們以提高生產力和創造力。
單擊此處了解有關其他 3D 打印應用程序的更多信息。
單擊此處立即查看 Phrozen 的 LCD 3D 打印初學者指南!
Michael Stratil
Can you take a set of hi-res photos of a person, taken from various angles, and print a bust of that person?
Could it be fairly large (9" tall)?
Approximately how much would that cost?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your interest in 3D printing! Absolutely, it’s possible to create a bust of a person using hi-res photos taken from various angles. There are several scanning and modelling methods available, including dedicated 3D scanners or smartphones equipped with scanning capabilities. Another approach is to manually model based on photos, although this involves a more hands-on, skill-intensive process.
As for printing a 9" tall bust, it’s certainly achievable. The specific cost would depend on the materials you choose, the printing process, and any post-processing involved. Different materials and finishing options may affect the overall cost.
Feel free to explore these options and choose the one that best suits your preferences and budget. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Best regards, Phrozen Team
Can you take a set of hi-res photos of a person, taken from various angles, and print a bust of that person?
Could it be fairly large (9" tall)?
Approximately how much would that cost?
Phrozen Technology replied:
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your interest in 3D printing! Absolutely, it’s possible to create a bust of a person using hi-res photos taken from various angles. There are several scanning and modelling methods available, including dedicated 3D scanners or smartphones equipped with scanning capabilities. Another approach is to manually model based on photos, although this involves a more hands-on, skill-intensive process.
As for printing a 9" tall bust, it’s certainly achievable. The specific cost would depend on the materials you choose, the printing process, and any post-processing involved. Different materials and finishing options may affect the overall cost.
Feel free to explore these options and choose the one that best suits your preferences and budget. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Best regards, Phrozen Team